May the force …

Home / Exhibits / May the force …


Look Ma, no hands! This exhibit includes a variety of fun products that allow the audience to interact with computers without touching any physical object directly (e.g. Magic Cube, Kinect, Leap Motion, etc.). A highlight of the the exhibit is the chance to interact with low-cost products from NeuroSky which use EEG sensors for “brain control” (MindFlex, MindPlay etc.). 1

The video below shows the demos in the exhibit.

Exhibit Notes
1 Hopper, M.E. (2013, November). May the force be with you! [Exhibit]. TechBreakfast. Microsoft NERD Center, Cambridge, MA.
This exhibit was originally part of the Digital-Den collection and was shown at Boston Tech Breakfast. The artifacts in the exhibit are now part of the New Media Museum’s Immersive Interfaces Collection.

© New Media Museum created by M. E. Hopper